I have.

To recap. The far right has gone batshit crazy down various delusional rabbit holes and is too damn stubborn to admit it so, deeper and deeper they go, where it stops, nobody knows. Their demonstrable level of crazy, mixed with their predilections towards violence, or at least threats of same, along with their overt acceptance of groups such as white supremacists and nei-Nazi’s into their coalition, have alienated everyone else. The result is a schism on the right, which, if it continues will render the right impotent as far as national elections. That in turn hands too much power to the left, which sucks.

I called this years ago. Most of it either already has happened, or is happening now. I suppose my prediction about ‘24 (electoral impotence caused by the the far right) remains to be seen… but I was right about ‘20….

Friend jag, you and your ilk have done patriotic conservatism no favors and much harm. I’m genuinely sorry that this is true, but it is.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two