Originally Posted by ldmay375

Alrighty, ordered a Big handful of the .458, 400 grain Shock Hammers.
The goal is to see if this will bring the mighty 458’s up to the high standards of the 416’s. - whoa, that was humor. Not intended as an insurrectionist comment. -

I shall “sheepishly” admit, these will be used not only in 458 Winchester chambers but, also 458 Lott chambers.

Sir Larry,

Hallelujah ! There are at least three of us ordering them pronto.
I won't hold the .458 Lott thing against you, weak sisters like your .458 Lott gotta have some fun too.

Ron aka "Rip" for Riflecrank Internationale Permanente
NRA Life Benefactor and Beneficiary
.458 Winchester Magnum, Magnanimous in Victory
THE WALKING DEAD does so remind me of Democrap voters. Donkeypox.