Originally Posted by Riflecrank
Seems the bloke at Hammer site is not forthcoming
except to say .416 Rigby
and might have been Aussie buffalo.
Might take some digging there to get more specifics.
Sir Jerry may be the first on cape buffalo yet
as long as he shoots straighter than Jack Lott did.
Maybe a first with the 404gr Shock Hammer to boot.

Sir Ron, many thanks for all the work you've done, and are still doing, in regard to the 404gr Shock Hammer.

Don't know when that item will be available in Canada, but there is a shop in Toronto that has dealings with Hammer.

I went looking for another can of CFE-223 yesterday at a shop south of here where I've done a lot of business over the years (and where I purchased my first 1-lb can), and all they had in store were four 1-lb cans (total) of gun powder. Two of which they'd just received - and NO CFE-223!

At the range a week ago, a discussion was had, prior to the commencement of shooting, about the extreme shortage of handloading components, mostly in primers and powders as well as bullets and brass.

My son shared his delima in locating any primers for his Traditions in .44 Rem Mag. He did finally succeed at a small shop, but was told by the shop owner that a client had only on the previous day bought most of his primers for $11,000 (that's eleven thousand). That client will never personally, ever, use that many but will resell at about 2x the cost to himself!

There's a LOT of hording going on based on fear and greed!


"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul" - Jesus