Rick, it was loosely based on this; & adjusted, as highlighted.



4 teaspoons nigella seeds2 tbls Anise seeds & 2tbls of Caraway seeds
43 tablespoons cumin seeds

2 Tbls red pepper flakes (not in original recipe)

4 tablespoons olive oil
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 cloves garlic (peeled and finely grated, or minced)4 inch long squirts
24 lamb ribs (cut from 3 lamb breasts, bones in) Ribs were from 1 side of a 70lb carcass weight, local lamb.

cooked, fan forced 315* F, for just shy of 2 hours, slightly crusty outside, buttery soft inside.


"Kids who grow up hunting, fishing & trapping, do not mug little old Ladies"