
You hard azz...you scared poor/dumb 'hookem away and she was just really perfecting her Hissy Fit.(grin)

I thought she was gonna regale me with Retrostalgia and I was lookin' forward to that "Tutorial". I'll chum a little bit,for the bottom feeder's big [bleep] mouth and see if she's [bleep] stupid enough to "try" again. Fingers is crossed,in anticipation.(grin)

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Where do these whining Do Nothing Dumbphuckers come from?!!?



As per always,it's a treat to be regaled with plagiarized tidbits of your Imagination,as you practice your Pretend. Really groovin' on your pics,as you certainly are a "hard charger". Laffin'! Feel free to make up yet another excuse,that "explains" your incredible Dumbphucktitude and do touch a wee bit on "all" your "results". Laffin'!

I'll happily fuel your Imagination for you. Feel free to say a leetle sumptin',on how "satisfying" it is for you to Imagine and Pretend. Laffin'!

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Video ain't bad either and here's hoping you can summons enough Pretend,to Imagine you could do it too.


In Swiftys [bleep] Dreams

You go girl!


You sappy stupid dumb [bleep],YOU got you. Someone who "knows" as "much" as you,had best be asking questions,instead of giving "answers". Your best and only move,is to shut the [bleep] up,take notes and apply same. Hint.

Fairly [bleep] poignant,that you is the only one stupid enough,to think that you could keep pace on any level. Just a [bleep] shame,that you are too stupid to savvy the magnitude of the hilarity projected via your oblivious Dumbphucktitude! I'll feign my "surprise",that you are now gonna teach the World a "lesson",by taking all your marbles and going home. Too [bleep] funny! I really enjoyed "witch" too. As an aside,just what the [bleep] kind of a vocation can a dumbphucker like you do?!!? Feel free to use as much Imagination and Pretend,as you deem requisite,while citing them "particulars". Laffin'!

I'm as at ease in talking in the firsthand about wares at my disposal,that I've a touch more than a whole [bleep] bunch of familiarity with,as you are in talking out your azz about your Imagination and the "Adventures" of your Day Dreaming Do Nothing Dumbphucktitude. Please don't let them constants hurt your feelers,because you was really doin' "well". Laffin'!

Kudos for really knocking it outta the park and commenting upon your incredibly low standards and the muse that due to same,you are content being you. EPIC [bleep] humor there! I've zero doubt your Whine is heartfelt and it's even more funny,because you are doing the best you can...with what incredibly little you have to work with.

Here's 1000 words and an extry 50fps via Jolly Roger,plus another 13fps for brown tape. The look of confusion in conjunction with your crossed-eyes,is [bleep] hilarious!

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Try prying your [bleep] from the couch and step out the front door and in another 150yrs or so,you just may amass your first [bleep] clue.

Nawwwwwwwwwwww...it ain't in the cards. Laffin'!


Oh I'm quite a little bit better than that,but sandbagging cracks me the [bleep] up. I get as big a kick out of your Imagination,as you do...though for very different reasons. Laffin'!

Reality ain't for everyone,as you so eloquently quantify and schit don't get any [bleep] funnier than you Pretending aloud.

Looking forward to the next Installment of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been. Curious dichotomy though,that you couldn't knock the new offa used pair of boots. Laffin'!

Funnier than [bleep],how "real" your Pretend is to you. Your pics really paint a poignant picture. Laffin'! Though I cain't recall the current excuse?!!? It's either because you are too [bleep] stupid to drive a camera,too much of a broke dick to afford one(I've extries,if you need) or simply due the fact that despite the INCREDIBLE advances in Digital Photography,no Manufacturer makes a camera that will capture Imagination?!!? Laffin'!

Bless your heart.

Hmmmmmmmmmm...lemme fuel your Imagination. Style Points is held in very high esteem,during death defying action,but feel free to regale me with a harrowing tale of how you once chipped a nail. Laffin'!

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As an aside...just how loud is your Imagination when you shoot it?!!?

Wow +P.