Originally Posted by Seafire
Nope, not one friggin bit...[/color]

anything else I can clarify for ya this evening??

No need for that, I think you've cleared up any questions I had. Irony is lost on you. Who'd have guessed?

Originally Posted by Seafire
....if you don't want to bother Schmuck, then why are you concerning yourself with it at all?? Ya wanna stand up for him, then quit waiting for your Twitter update on the Kardashians, and take a stand..

Thanks for proving my point. Go back and read my previous posts and see if you can find where I "stood up for him."

I haven't. He's got you so cross-eyed you can't read straight.

I'm starting to think you're right about society turning into a bunch of pusssies though. People are starting to equate "saying something" on the internet with taking a stand.

All you have to do to solve this thorny problem is take your own advice (ain't it ironic?)--if you don't like what the guy says, just don't read it.

PS, Don, looks like you were right, he'll no doubt pull the groupie card next.

A wise man is frequently humbled.