
Feel free to wax eloquent on your latest Big Weekend Trip(BWT) and mull the "particulars" of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been. Laffin'!

As a curiousity,just how many times have you rolled over the hour meter on your [bleep],as you set tethered to the couch Whining,trying to craft the next excuse to satiate your Do Nothing Dumbphucktitude?

Luckily for you,Imagination and Pretend are free...or you'd simply have nothing.


Gee Jockey Shorts...

ya need some new material... you've repeated that diatribe a zillion times... must be just cutting and pasting, making it easier to handle your ONE post a day...

I did love that Schtick the Smurf cutting down the Christmas Tree pic tho...

is that the ONE that YOUR 'stump' was made out of??

always cool to see the before and after pictures....

have a great day there Yosemite Sam... I am sure you are already diligently working on your next intellectual and informative ONE a DAY post... whistle