Not sure what you're referring to there stick? Lying about what exactly? If you're interested in my "do nothing" anything I can send you my DD 214 and my military training records. I can also send you my training records on my current endeavor in life as well. I guess because I don't take pictures of my every waking moment in life and puke them all over the internet for the whole world to see, basically everything is a lie. I work twelve hour days and when I'm off I spend it with my family. During the right seasons I go hunting or fishing. I do it to relax and don't see hunting, fishing or taking pictures as something to be a "hard charger" at nor something to beat my chest about and qualify my existance. If you think you're some sort of bad ass because you take pictures you've bigger issues than I originally thought. Kinda like saying you're a ninja at planting flowers. Whatever blows your skirt up ace!
You've never set foot in Michigan, especially where I hale from. It aint all Detroit, not like you'd last a hot minute there. So, you have no clue as to what kind of outdoors it is. I've been to Alaska for a two week furlow while I was in the military. Took a military hop to Eielson AFB just outside of Fairbanks. Nice country. Did some fishing, wasn't bad. I put in orders to go there actually but was sent elsewhere, Panama as a matter of fact. Went fishing there as well. I took a fishing pole with me everywhere I went back then. Bolivia, Columbia, Chile and Brazil. Just a couple of places I was sent while assigned at Howard AFB in Panama. That's where all our satellite out posts were. No pictures as the only camera in those days were all film as DSLR's weren't really around much then. That and it would have been frowned on. Not that I give a chit as to what you believe or think so take it as you like. I've been there, done that and don't really care what anyone thinks or believes.
You just keep on keep'in on with your self built contraptions painted fox pecker pink and bug [bleep] green. I'll get along just fine with my OEM guns that get it done just as easy. Me and my ol plain vanilla '06, Sage fly rod, ugly stick and recurve bow. Tis all I need. I may in future steal my wife's Nikon D800 and take it for a spin or maybe just leave the scrap booking up to you and yours. Do keep up your once a day drop ins though. It will only take you what? 90 or so years to get to your former self as Big Stick at this rate. Well, I've sucked up enough band width today and best be off to more intelligent pursuits. Picking up one of my old favs, "Green Hills of Africa." Recognize it? Or is above your comprehension level. No pics in it so I'm sure it holds no weight with you.

Last edited by brinky72; 06/10/13.

Keep your powder dry and stay frosty my friends.