Originally Posted by WSM_Shooter
Well I am not the type to envy what others have but I can say Boxer has very little I would care to have. I am not saying he don't have top end stuff but I can have that same stuff if I want it. Many of us here on the forums have nice stuff. None of you guys impress me enough that I would trade my life for yours though. Work is work no matter what you do. If it is an honest living that is all that matters. We all have to pay the bills and we all have to live somewhere.

Plus I think those of you who Boxer treats civil only get that treatment because you agree with him enough. He is the kind of guy who thinks all of us are do nothing dumbphucks.

Huntsman22 you stand up for him all the time. I don't know much about you. I take it you manage a Ranch? Think I read that someplace. Do you think Boxer respects that? If you don't own the place your a [bleep] ranch hand period.
G.W. hunts a lease on a Ranch and Boxer busts his balls. You hunt a ranch and you are o.k.? Yea right? I think I saw a picture where Tanner drove to where he set up over a beautiful canyon to shoot. Not much different than me driving my truck up the right of way to the gas well to set up. Only difference is I live in the east with more people and less area to hunt. Less critters and less opportunity. It is what it is. But I don't worship Boxer or ask his opinion. Come on guys does anyone live up to Boxers expectations? We are all do nothing Dumphucks in his mind! Only difference is some of us call him out for being such an arrogant waste of human being.

Huntsman22 and Tanner this post is not about you guys. I use you two as examples because you get along with Boxer and that is great. But don't think that he looks at you guys or any one else he don't put down any different than he does the rest of us.
Just FWIW, I didn't drive to where that picture was taken....

And I'd say I "get along" with Boxer because I can appreciate knowledge on subjects at hand and leave it at that. I don't get concerned with folk's lives and try to delve into personal subjects on the internet....