Seafire; I did enjoy that pic w/tennis ball. Makes me chuckle every time hearing that distinctive "thuck" of a whacked tennis ball. Just don't do it with your bird dog around because she will make it a bastard to get your arrow back.

I agree with you about the midget. He may know a thing or two about a thing or two but it is no excuse for being a complete prick. There are many people on here that know as much and more than him and they are actually helpful, yourself included. I would rather slam my dick in the door before I'd take any advice from that [bleep]. At this point in the game even loud mouth Larry has run out of chit to say and he's on repeat. Good thing GW has a good library and plenty of resources to keep things interesting.

As far as the rest of the stick lovers; I hope you all find a better hero some day. You can take the finest piece of choice steak in the world, have the best chef in the world prepare it, but if you cover it in chit that is what you have. A piece of chit. And that sums up Lawrence. You boys enjoy your meal. Out.

Last edited by brinky72; 06/23/13.

Keep your powder dry and stay frosty my friends.