
It's crackin' me the [bleep] up,that you's already working on the list of excuses for your [bleep] pathetic "Adventure".

Here's to the humor of you...simply doing the "best" you can,with what incredibly little you have to work with. Laffin'!

Wow +P+!"

Schtick you short pathetic 3 ft 13 inch moronicdumphuck...

you're loosin your touch..... same old pathetic responses over and over... heck, readin the same ones from over on Youtube, responses by other folks to some of your "AWEsum" whistle videos from 7 and 8 years ago....

probably borrowed them from elsewhere anyway.. so I guess cutting and pastin 'em over and over is about as much as you can think.....

I mean TXASS Naive thinks the sun rises and sets on your very existence... we don't want him to be all disappointed and such...
so get with the program, you are losing what little 'touch' you had to begin with...

glad you posted early tho... looks like this might have been the first time you posted anything while half way sober in a year or more...

PS loved your pic with you and YouR Big Stick, to beat your fish with, after you shot him with your 223AI and it didn't kill him... that kind of practice will get you all set for baby seal season coming up soon... You are just AWEsum... 'specially for being shorter than a Smurf...