Originally Posted by cwh2
Archie... carpet? On a [bleep] boat? WTF-over?

Otherwise, nice boat/motor.

C-Dubya- I know man! Its like hooks with no barbs...[bleep] useless. Its gonna suck when it gets all slimy and ripped up and schit, but thats the nature of the beast laugh Thanks pard.

SLM and Slave- GFY's as usual.

Boxer- You dont want nothing to do with Chinooks. Theyre slimy, stinky [bleep]. And dont be raggin' on the "Great" Lakes, its the closest thing to an Ocean we gots laugh

As an aside, Rman has informed me my .223 Montanny has been released from the gun-doctor Arki-fied. So I am proud to say I am the newest member of the .223 AI family, no applaus needed.

As an aside-aside, whats everybody doing to keep their Chinnys from getting a bit soft in the cooler? Gutting them on the spot and filling the cooler with ice and water? I use a 2 LITRE pop bottle of ice and fill the cooler with water so the fish are submerged, and its works about 99% perfectly. But I want 100%...any tips from the "big dogs"?

Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

If I were smart enough, which apparently I'm not