
I reserve the right to crack me up. Trouble is,none of these Window Licking stupid [bleep] have enough IQ,for me to frost things copiously. Sucha waste of grandiose vernacular and a mastery of Engleesh.

'Course,that'll get more than a few of 'em horned right the [bleep] up,Pretending they could savvy the crux.



It were The Immaculate Conception.


Ever note how the Whining Window Lickers is no good at relationships,either...just like they suck at everything else?!?

At least they's consistent,in their incredibly dismal "results".



The BEST Thread Evah,isn't to be taken lightly.

Only fair to grant them who need it most,the opportunity to burn bandwidth with their Imaginations and Pretend...if only because it's all they've got.

Bless their hearts.


[bleep] HILARIOUS that your Trump Card,is a Fantasy about someone else's dick!




You Whining [bleep],you've been purty quiet as of late. Running outta Imagination and Pretend?!!?

Looking forward to the excuses.



It's your Imagination,Pretend with it however you please. Just keep doing so aloud,if only because your Delusions are [bleep] hilarious!

I know...I know,your inherent Stupidity is a Secret Squirrel "trick".



Didja' knock 'holton up? Her titties are purty sore and her mood swings impressive.

You shoulda just givin' it to her straight and told her to [bleep] herself...if only because she'd get more poozy that way and couldn't knock herself up.



I'm glad them cartoons is free,so you can "contribute". You poor poor Whining Do Nothing [bleep]. Laffin'!

Looking forward to the next installment of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been.

Looking forward as per always,to your excuses,nearly as much as your version of "results".



The Boys saw 20 some Albino Gophers on a Milford Boat Ride,this last Sunday. Hopin' a couple will cooperate,so I can practice Blurtitude on 'em,in the week to come.

Hopefully the weather do favorable things.


Please do not slight the magnitude of animated pixels and the "reality" they afford the afflicted.
