
AWESOME picture here!

[Linked Image]

Every consider putting one of those "big" Tree Bears in the boat?!?

[Linked Image]


Perhaps you missed it,but I was curious as to what one of those Tree Bears scores? I mean they are obviously wayyyyyyyyy the [bleep] up there,on the Mickey Mouse Ear Scale and Slipper Sizing. Laffin'!

BEST Thread Evah!


Nothing as "exciting" as getting a pooch out of a 5 gallon bucket.

Just [bleep] WOW.

Bless your heart.


Weren't my intent to horn you up.

I'll feign my "surprise",that you've not been able to pry your kchunt from the couch,ever. You "hard chargers" are a [bleep] riot!




Swipe poor,poor(literally) Shefire's Imagination away and the Do Nothing Kchunt will have nothing left and that'd be mean.

Do NOT slight how "real",her Pretend is to her.



Shefire is doing "great"...just like always.



If Shefire had as many dicks sticking out of her,as she's had stuck inside her...she'd look like a [bleep] Porcupine.

Pun be intended,though someone will have to explain it to the poor addled kchunt.



Didja manage to "find" "all" of your pics from this year's "Adventures"?!?

Looking forward to them excuses.



Do not slight Shefire doing the best she can,with what incredibly [bleep] little she has to work with.

"Luckily" for her...Imagination and Pretend are more than enough.


Mighta got a Blurtitude shot,here the other morning,but I brought my extra,extra laptop and no card reader. Will try to finger sumptin' out.

Have a G-16 to run through the paces,these next few days and hopefully it has Blur Mode.(grin)


You are gonna horn Shefire up and have her bursting outta even more closets.
