
I like "schit" as it adds as Teutonic Flair to the Lexicon.

Noone guns a more open mind than I and if Vargay were worth a [bleep],I'd simply be swimming in the schit...but dat is farrrrrrrrrrr from the case.

Keep in mind,when scootin' meaningful BC's,that a 700 routinely offers more bang for the buck,when it comes to stretching COAL,whether in the belly or protruding below.

Alpha 2's is skookum.


I've long been of the mindset,to greedily salt favorites away,for rainy days.

Might be sprinklin' now.(grin)


Lotsa folks impress far easier than I and they's welcome to the world's supply of Vargay.

I've more than one sound rifle and it could never begin to hang,so was(is) easy to pass upon. In an overview of multiple 100's of Custom spouts via running mates,I cain't know a single soul who slums the schit in any application...other than to make a Slug giggle now and again.

BEST Thread Evah!


Travelin' light,dragging new rifles and ammo home.

Could borrow a DSLR here,but I've long been a better giver than taker...so will obstain.


I gave it every opportunity to shine and it simply ain't in the works.


If all things is equal,I'll take polymer snouts over copper lips.

NOW is the time to be ordering the 105BTHP and 162BTHP by the wagon loads,before it rains.(grin)


You Window Licking Do Nothing Dumbfhuckers are a riot!

PLEASE feel free to tell yourself that which you most need to hear and I'm enjoying your Imagination...[bleep] nearly as much as you are.

Bless your heart.


Kudos to the Texas Version of EVERYTHING,being so [bleep] funny.

Wow +P+!


She's on a roll and doing her "best"...which is assuredly funnier than [bleep].

Whiners will always find reason to Whine.