
I'll feign my "surprise",that the best you can ever muster,is yet another burst outta a closet. Congratulations?!?

Here's to your Imagination and to just how badly you [bleep] need it. Wow +P+. Laffin'!

BEST Thread Evah!


That is some seriously funny [bleep] Schit!!! You know it's gonna be a [bleep] RAT,if you are looking up into a tree for a Bear. Too [bleep] funny!

Great point,in that my Dog is bigger than that sorry [bleep] thing. always wanted to try some rain myself. Perhaps on your next BWT,you can bottle some up?!? Laffin'!

You "hard chargers" are on a [bleep] roll!



Skimmed it. Words was purty big and I mainly gawked pics.(grin)