Slightly off topic, but since we have a big group of self professed heroes on this thread, here's an opportunity to prove it...

Forum member Iron Eagle_84 is having a rifle put together for a disabled veteran. This would be this guy's first rifle, and him actually going hunting for the first time in life.

here's the link:

So if anyone else wants to put their money where their mouth is, here is the opportunity if you are so inclined...either openly or anonymously.. really doesn't matter..

for the naythsayers, yeah, I have contributed..

but it doesn't matter how much or how little, the main point is assisting a disabled vet for a worthwhile cause....

since we have combined to have this thread going on for 300 + pages, throwing insults, maybe a few of us can put that down for a second and help a vet...

you guys can PM ironeagle_84 if you have a desire to do anything.. his name is Marty...

Thank you....

and now everyone can get back to their regularly scheduled 'monkey business'