
You whining [bleep]...is there not anything that you won't Whine about?!? Your Imagination is offa the [bleep] charts,though hilariously commensurate with your Pretend. Laffin'!

What didja' almost do today? What's your excuse?


Looking forward to your next Hissy Fit.

Bless your heart.


With luck,you'll be the first Do Nothing [bleep] in History...to Whine herself happy. Laffin'!

Your PretendFu,sure do Trump your RealityFu and here's to the perpetual hilarity of your best...being soooooooooooo [bleep] shy of the mark.

What is Today's excuse?!?



The light is still flat,here along The Milford and Blurtitude isn't to be. That constant ain't helping her icy shores either.

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The Mother/Child Reunion...is always an emotional day.

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Ruddy Duck fly by.

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Mebbe tonight,the light will get right.

Film at 11:00.


Happiness is a rock outcropping and a 2-point rest,imparting "character" unto a Walnut handle,guiding a blued bore 30-'06 and whistlin' 180PT's.(grin)


[bleep]...if you swipe Swifty's Imagination from her,she'll have noting left and that'd be mean.

[bleep] hilarious to grant the Whining [bleep] all the bandwidth she can handle,so as to Hissy Fit,Imagine and Pretend(in no particular order). Laffin'!

BEST Thread Evah!


There ain't noone gonna OutImagine nor OutPretend The Do Nothing Gang.

Funniest part is,the sad sack Do Nothing [bleep] as [bleep] Stupid as they are...know that little.



Just let Swifty Pretend,it's all she's got.

Simply be thankful,that the Do Nothing [bleep] does so aloud.



WTF?!? Was hopin' for some tips on an AK Cheechako BWT.

Always wanted to catch a Sammun.


You are gonna suffer the "wrath" of Swifty and her Secret Imaginary Pretend Ignore.

Please don't take being Pretended upon,lightly. She might even go full [bleep] cartoon!



You [bleep] is bad influences. Now I'm thinkin' a boat would be nice,here along The Milford.

Was hoping Brinky would tune in with more of her Imagination and sweeten the pot with some "Great" Lakes Sammun Adventures. She Pretends a purty picture.



Your Momma's so fat...she's got more chins than a Chinese phone book.