Originally Posted by WSM_Shooter
I will start thinking of some! So I never have seen any pictures of flintlocks from you. I am sure a hunter of your caliber has killed some great beasts with an old rocklock! Being more of a high tech guy maybe you prefer Inlines? They are all the rage here as guys like being able to use a scope and shoot a couple hundred yards as well as hunt in the rain. I see they even make them in stainless steel with plastic stocks. I bet you could lay them in a creek if need be.


You poor poor Whining Do Nothing [bleep].

Here's HOPING,you are [bleep] stupid enough,to "think" BP is sumptin' unknowed to me. Laffin'! You sappy turd polishing [bleep].

Do you find that when you Whine louder and longer,that it bolsters your Pretend and increases your Imagination?!?

Thanks for the "insight".
