Maybe "mini me" should just post his own thread posted called "I'm so [bleep] Awsum Blurtitude" so his followers could just go there instead of him hi jacking someone else's thread. Or is he not allowed to do that either. Ol "one a day Larry" is a pretty sad excuse being that he has to be monitored because he can't be adult enough to play well with others. I never knew this was a scrap booking forum or that in order to enjoy your leisure time in the out doors you had to be a "hard charger" until I ran across his ass. My "hard chargin" was all done for Uncle Sam and is done at work. The only thing more pathetic is those who think he's really "sumptin," as he puts it. It's a borderline gay cult. Good news is he's only allowed to [bleep] up one thread at a time and we can go to other threads where little Larry isn't allowed. grin

Last edited by brinky72; 05/28/13.

Keep your powder dry and stay frosty my friends.