
Kudos on crashing through yet another closet and amassing even more quills. Congratulations?!!? You just gotta be giddy,with those perpetual results and "all" the inherent "satisfactions". Laffin'!

I'll feign my "surprise",that the closest you can come to an Outdoors picture,is plagiarizing some of mine. I'm always happy to fuel your Imagination,so you can practice your Pretend. Mighta even banged a few frames today. Laffin'!

Feel free to claim 'em as "your's"(like the Texans do),should it assist your Pretend and fire your Imagination. Laffin'! You poor sorry dumbphuck,you couldn't even knock the new offa used pair of boots.

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Always fascinating to grant you the opportunity to concoct fresh you whirl away another hour meter,setting with your [bleep] firmly planted to the couch. Your ability to reliably make Dumbphucktitude sail offa the [bleep] charts,while you whine a fresh Vagina Monologue and wonder aloud how anyone could make you look like a bigger piece of Do Nothing Schit than EPIC [bleep] humor +P+! For clarity,NOONE can outdumbphuck you,as you obliviously dumbphuck yourself.

Here's to the hilarity of you doing your best. Laffin'!

Bless your heart.


Too bad you cain't take your own pics,though admittedly the ones you pinch ain't nearly as [bleep] funny as the ones you don't. Laffin'! That Bear pic is awesome and though I've never seen a Bear,I'd say that thing is damned nearly almost as big as Hutch. Almost.

In fairness,Hutch thinks the notion is funnier than [bleep] too. Laffin'!

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Appreciate the laughs,especially because they's always on accident.

Wow +P+.


Be curious to hear what you told yourself today,to satiate the fact that you are a Do Nothing [bleep] of repute?

Feel free to wax eloquent in regards to all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been. Laffin'!

Here's to your Imagination and to just how [bleep] badly you need it.



Never have seen or caught a Salmon,but would like to some day...if'n I can save up the loot to arrange same.

Sure would like you to share some pics of your "hard charging" Adventures and all them gates you open,along with some cool closeups of barbed wire. Feel free to use as much Imagination and Pretend as you deem requisite,to pawn off the ruse as being "plausible". I savvy that you are all hat and no Ranch,but give 'er a whirl Toots. Laffin'!

From where do you incredibly stupid dumbphucks come from?!?



I'm thinkin' brinky' was fixin' to wax eloquent on your home drainage and I was sorta lookin' forward to them "tidbits". Could see where it wasn't gonna be anything other,than funnier than [bleep].

Too funny bustin' a WindowLicker with a stolen frame of your compadre's. There's just no predicting,where their Imaginations will next take their Pretend. Must really grant the warm/fuzzy for 'em to plagiarize and pawn pics,as their "Trump Card".(grin)

Too [bleep] funny!

As an aside,The Milford is dropping like a bastard and I'm pretty sure it resembles "fun",coaxing Pickles outta trite riffles and their obstacles.

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I've done logged me some hours streamside,on this pass through The Milford and the light ain't been all that bad for The Production Crew to document same.(grin)

Had the rains swollen The Milford,it just mighta been EPIC.