Originally Posted by Seafire
Originally Posted by wageslave
You wish.

If it wasn't for Seabiscuit, we'd be picking on Canooks, since Jeff Blo went off and hid. The Biscuit likes the abuse. She'll take any attention she can get. And dick.

We will keep hogging your oil though, thanks.

Well I can see the Schtick Emergency Response Team is in action on this thread now... migrating to follow their Midget Guru... defending his honor and such... and hanging around to yell "yeah!!" after everything Schmuck writes..

and Slavey, WTF is your addiction to guys and Dicks? Seems to be your favorite subject.. only thing I can figure out is that it is an infatuation, because you must be pretty embarrassed about the one the Good Lord gave you.. or forgot to give you... guess you are not getting enough to play with down at the LooeyTown Truck Stop...

but Hang in there anyway little Buddy.... what else are you going to do anyway? how's that job search coming? didn't you buddy Obama promise you a job of some sort? or did you get confused with BloJobs and WorkinJobs again? Must be hard to keep up...you so busy and all brown nosing Schtick and the rest of the Schtick Posse...

have a great day there Slavey... and best wishes on that job hunt there dubby...

best regards

I forgot your prefer COCK.
Notice how you don't deny anything said about you?

Have Dog

Will Travel