Originally Posted by 28lx
Originally Posted by Boxer

Keep bangin' through the gears on them automatics and quotin' other folks,in your conquest for fresh gates to open.



As per always,I enjoy your "harrowing" accounts of Nothingness,the excuses that accompany same and the splendid pixels you've Imagined to garner along the way as you practice your Pretend. Laffin'!

Gettin' a kick outta the Texas Ruse and you should be able to milk that one for quite a [bleep] while,so the excuses will be GREAT. Laffin'!

Keep your [bleep] tethered to the couch,as only you can...you "hard charger".

Bless your heart.


I know...I know,it caught me by "surprise" too,that Shefire would steal yet another pic and try to pawn it off.

Perhaps her Imagination and Pretend are yet growing?!!?



I'm with ya',in that there ain't nothing more reliably [bleep] hilarious,than Texas and it's version of everything.

What's your favorite type of barbed wire? Favorite gate?



Don't slight how grandiose an "experience" it is,to partake the tablefare at Appelbee's. Hell,Swifty can attest to how "great" it is,by simply watching their commercials on TV. Laffin'!

Slow day along The Milford yesterday,though it were all 4 Seasons. I mean it isn't as "exhilirarting" as the things you get to "see" and "do",because there's no pavement. Laffin'! Then there's the hurdle that it's all real,which will truly [bleep] you up. Re-laffin'!

Some sorta white duck.

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Cain't know what any of these others are,with the White Ducks...mebbe you do?!? Mightcha' PM Swifty and ask her if she's seen 'em on TV?!? Thanks. Laffin'!

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Uploaded the wrong file here,but it illustrated yesterday's White Rain. First time I'd ever seen it,but Swifty was telling me about a TV show she saw,which had some of it. Laffin'!

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More of the White Rain on these Crows.

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The neighbor's dog wouldn't jump for SuperCub yesterday,which was a shame.

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Though he did take a Brinky. Laffin'!

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Even he knew it was funny,despite it smelling like schit! Laffin'!


I prolly should buy me another IMAC and drag it to work,so I can see what's goin' on...as these computers ain't gettin her done.

Happy Imagination to you,as you concoct more excuses and Pretend that your Do Nothing Dumbphucktitude is someone else's "fault".

You go girl!

Though he did take a Brinky. Laffin'! I had a mouthfull of Mountain Dew when I read this and damn near drowned.Thats [bleep] funny.



All joking aside what is at all funny about 'gee?

He has nice guns.
Kills all kinda stuff year round
Knows how to surf
Has a Harley
Takes good pics...whatever
Looks to be a good cook

Did I mention year round killin stuff?