
I enjoy your Imagination,almost as much as you do,though for very different reasons.


Be sure and tell yourself that which you most need to hear,then frost same copiously with the "reality" of your "results". Mebbe a GREAT time to dangle a picture of yourself and really knock schit outta da Park. Laffin'!

You'd think 6 months of vacation a year,would be difficult to get used to...but lemme tell you a "secret".

It ain't.


BEST Thread Evah!


I always enjoy your excuses and the tantalizing Tales of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been.

Perhaps consider conjoining your Imaginary Pixels with Shefire's,as you align your Axis Of Imagination and Pretend to have pried your kchunt from the couch. Spare no "details" and go Full [bleep] Brinky and "Imbelish" as you Day Dreaming Do Nothing Dumb [bleep] simply must. Laffin'!

Always a fascinating read,as you ply your Vagina Monologue and wax eloquent on all the things beyond your means,ability and comprehension and frost same copiously with "all" the things you "do" Outdoors. Please do not forget to plagiarize a cartoon or sumptin',so as to really make a "stand".

I'm [bleep] crying,I'm laughing so hard.

You poor,poor stupid [bleep].