Originally Posted by TXNative

You are on point this morning, you must have got that cock craving appetite satisfied over the weekend. No amount of compliments will get mine...but knock yourself out trying.

14 minutes and the bait is taken... that was fast there TexASS... by fill me in... what is it with you and Slavely, and all of these homo fantasies? you pair of Cupcake Cowboys must dwell on this stuff all day long, as you continually are the ones who bring all of this stuff up... in fact it makes a fair part of each post I see that you send my way....

I know that your hero Schmuck loves to respond about someone's taste in men, but I don't have the homo tendencies you machowannabes have...so maybe you should direct your fantasies about other guys penises in his direction... he's probably more likely to be impressed with that...

and what's with " no amount of compliment will get mine?" what the hell are you talking about? you mean to tell us you actually got a penis? just because people call you a dick, doesn't necessarily mean you have one...

you cowboycupcakes crack me the hell up....but don't let me derail your homo fantasies.. you got to try and think of something all day, instead of just spending the entire day being a dumbasss...might as well be a dumbass having homo fantasies.. helps the work day pass faster evidently...