Originally Posted by kutenay
I agree with you and just intend to continue to ignore him and his ravings.

You, on the other hand,I find to be a gentleman and one whom I hope continues to post here.

BTW, there are no ...lumber jacks... here in the western half of North America, they are "loggers" also known as "bush apes", a rather appropriate term in this context, as I think you would agree....... wink

I watched a season of Axe Men. I hate reality TV but I gave it a try. I tell you if logging is anything like that I don't know how they get workers comp insurance. I know all industry is different but I couldn't go a minute without seeing something that should be a safety violation. Down here we tease Ironworker's and Boilermaker's about being the lowest form of life but wow some of those loggers no way they were for real.