There was a concert happening in a large, eastern US city, many years ago, one with a large "Irish" population, it was to include some of the great Roman Catholic liturgical music, as the RC Church is the very basis of "Western" civilization. So, some nuns and priests were given permission by the Archbishop to attend.

As the recital hall filled, a few elderly nuns,still in the traditional habits we who were schooled by these wonderful ladies recall with great fondness, came in and quietly sat down.

Just after them, two large, rather grubby young men came in and took seats just behind Sister Mary Michael, Sister Mary John of the Cross and Sister Mary Immaculata. They began, as drunken louts of all sorts oftimes will, to make loud and disgusting comments about the Holy Church and nuns and priests.

This continued for several minutes and they began to complain about all the Catholics in the crowd and loudly commented that they wished that they could be in a venue where there were no Catholics. The comments grew increasingly vile and people sitting nearby looked at the elderly sweet nuns with some consternaton and pity.

Suddenly, Sister Mary Michael, a 94 year old, 4 ft.9 inch tall lady spoke out in her cultured and courteous tone and said, "Excuse me, sir, I understand that you do not care for the presence of we Catholics in this auditorium?"

The largest and most vulgar of the louts looked at Sister Mary Michael and snarled, "No, I wish I could live where there were none of you f**king Catholics!", upon which the gentle voice of the demure old nun replied with "Well, then, sir, why don't you go to Hell, as there are no Catholics there"...........