Originally Posted by Boxer


Might wanna be careful,when craning a neck and searching upwards for that light.(grin)

[Linked Image]

Schit happens.


That reminds of last summer I was out gunning what I could find with my pooch, Giblets.
We came upon a man made 'lake' (more a big pond) that comes from irrigation water. It is quite the attraction for ducks, herons, geese, and whatnot.

I'm going to try to put the sneak on for some bluritude in the future. Anyway, a railroad track splits the pond in two and sits about three feet above the water. Well, as I'm approaching the part where it runs through the water I'm searching the rock face about 250 yards away for chucks to blast.

However, Giblets sees the mass of ducks and seagulls and decides they are game birds. He charges into the water and the whole mass of gulls take flight (probably about a hundred). Now, apparently, the first thing gulls do when going wheels up is dump their cargo. As they wheel in a big circle around Gibs (and yours truly, of course) the water looks like it started raining there is so much schit flying down!

I'm trying to look upward without actually looking upward and waving my hands about hoping to scare off said gulls from flying directly overhead! How I didn't get hit I'll never know, but your photo certainly brought those memories back!

Love the gopher pics...keep em coming.

It ain't what you don't know that makes you an idiot...it's what you know for certain, that just ain't so...

Most people don't want to believe the truth~they want the truth to be what they believe.

Stupidity has no average...