Originally Posted by Seafire

oh, and wrong there Gilligan... I am a transplant to Oregon...
actually I am from Virginia...

but congrats on leaving out your usual homofantasies.... so the new plan of attack is just to attack my 'intelligence'? know yourself out there Gilligan....as a guy who only has about 12 plus years of college level education and a couple of degrees under my belt... I know I can compete with a rocket science/brain surgeon like yourself, who is humbly working at a Truck Stop in Lewiston Idaho....

Which is why it is so hilarious that you are ragging on transplants and are [bleep] idiot.
I figured it would fly right over your hot air filled head. I were right. Again.

P.S. Sorry you wasted all that dough on crinkly pieces of paper at school.
If you only had all that money, now. Oh well, fancy papers don't mean you are smart.
You are proof of that.
If things get to bad for you, contact the Salvation Army.

Have Dog

Will Travel