
You Do Nothing [bleep] have all the [bleep] excuses...which I reckon is right handy for you. More than a whole [bleep] bunch [bleep] hilarious,that of all the things you can Imagine,results ain't one of 'em.

Hit me with an addy and I'll flip you some loot,so you can once again ring the bell and partake of a BWT to Appelbee's.

Perhaps give thought to going for the jugular and list the "particulars" of what you are gonna almost do this weekend,what you are gonna almost do it with and where you's gonna almost do it. Laffin'! Feel free to frost it copiously,with some excuses in advance too. Re-Laffin'!

Bless your heart.

BEST Thread Evah!


Hardly a "secret" that if you wanna see Shefire cross a busy street,all you'd have to do is throw her rubber dick to the otherside.

Though admittedly,due to geneology...she cain't move none too fast,but her heart is in it.



Don't go slightin' Shefire's vast "experience".

One time at Band Camp...she stuck a flute in her poozy.



I'd safely state "always". Simply due the fact that she gives it her all and that her all is just ohhhhh soooooooooo [bleep] incredibly pathetic.

Plus the fact,that due her incredibly [bleep] Stupidity...she "thinks" she's doing "good".

Now THAT is [bleep] Comedy!



Ask Shefire nicely for a picture of herself. The crossed-eyes and drooling yap is poignantly poetic.

No wonder her computer is chock full of splendid looking men. Swipe her Imagination and Pretend and she's down to less than nothing.

'Course she's more than happy to obliviously prove same.(grin)


That were/is an Instant CLASSIC and Big Momma was laughing too. She may or may not be 400lbs on the hoof.(grin)

Only fair to give The Paper Hat Brigade all the slack on the rope they think they can handle and then bank on the hilarity which follows.

Poor amazingly stupid [bleep]. Speaking of which,what happened to Schwifty,Cub and WSM?!!? You just KNOW they ain't Outdoors doin' sumptin'.



Please take pics on the BWT,that schit is funnier than [bleep].



Still cain't bang Blurtitude.

Weather blew up yesterday,with a goodly onshore wind along The Milford and I see the Icebergs was puppin',as I spotted calves in the distance. They generally have litters a leetle earlier in the year and this Global Cooling seems to affect gestation. Odd.

[Linked Image]

Also seen a rainbow sprout outta a Gopher Hole at an alarmingly oblique angle and I hope it don't fall. Re-odd.

[Linked Image]

The fog/spray subsided for a couple/few and off in the distance I could see Fantasy Island and marveled at it's goodly sized protective moat.

Must be where Shefire,'bow and all the other Imaginations "do" "all" the "exciting" things they Pretend about. Laffin'!

[Linked Image]

Reality ain't for everyone and fortunately the gals have their Imaginations,Pretend and Cartoons,so as to compel them to "participate" in Life.



You's gona horn Shefire up so much,she's gonna drive past Appelbee's.



Ask Shefire to hang a pic of herself.

The excuses is funnier than [bleep]!

For more laughs,ask 'bow to do likewise and you's gonna need a seatbelt for all them excuses. Laffin'!

Why is it them who do the least,bitch the most?!!?



You's gonna haveta pardon my having a way with the's how I roll.

Shefire cain't fight her heart.



You sly sick's just wicked mean,baitin' them hooks.



It's your Imagination,Pretend with it however you please.

It is however funnier than [bleep],that it's impossible for you to pry your [bleep] from the couch and do anything.

You go girl!