Originally Posted by Boxer


Keep rockin' the Golf Cart and totin' schit with the guts in it.


Hey, Hey,

No problem with that.

[Linked Image]
golf cart deer

Considering the above taunt, a question for those who remain perusing this thread.

How many of ya'll field dress some/all of the game you take?

Do you think field dressing is a regional thing?

I hunt on private land, in a defined area. I do so at least once a month, and more than that during Turkey, Dove, and Deer seasons. I can take dove, quail, turkey, squirrels, rabbits, hogs, sheep, white-tail and exotic deer as edible game species.

I have a camp out of which I base my activities. When at that camp I almost never field dress game. We have a custom made skinning rack with lighting.

[Linked Image]

Due to the nature of the terrain and the time of day I take a lot of game, I find it much easier to bring the whole animal back , gut, skin, quarter, and/or de-bone and get the animal on ice. I usually have that done within two hours of the time I take the particular game animal.
This last weekend temps were in the 80�s. I took a hog one morning, and another Saturday night at dark-thirty. It�s not unusual from May through October for temps to range from the high 80�s to 110 plus. I never leave the hide on more than a couple hours. If it�s going to be in the 40�s or below I may let skinned game hang overnight, but most of the time its in the cooler within 30 minutes of the time the hide is removed.

[Linked Image]
pig ready for skinning

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pig, skinned, ready to be opened up, entrails removed, quartered and put in the cooler.

[Linked Image]
five more waiting

[Linked Image]


although they can be excellent table fare, hogs are vermin in Texas. Rangy, smelly, tick and flea infested boars. Sometime I don�t bother opening them up. I just take the back-straps and hinds.

on a nice eating sized sow, I�ll do the whole thing.


I�ll keep a sharp eye pealed, should you choose to respond. LOL



Last edited by geedubya; 04/17/13.

A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.