
How 'bout some good Haybale & Crockett pics and throw some windage adjustable bases in the fray.



Feel free to wax eloquent on your latest Big Weekend Trip(BWT) and mull the "particulars" of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been. Laffin'!

As a curiousity,just how many times have you rolled over the hour meter on your [bleep],as you set tethered to the couch Whining,trying to craft the next excuse to satiate your Do Nothing Dumbphucktitude?

Luckily for you,Imagination and Pretend are free...or you'd simply have nothing.



As per always,I'm groovin' on your Whine,as well as your pics and to how ohhh soooooooooo "close",you came to almost doing something....once.



I reckon it only fair,that you and you alone(luckily),are at the unfortunate mercy of your "abilities" and "intellect". That in and of itself,is a dirty [bleep] trick,but funnier than [bleep] none the less! I'll feign my "surprise",that Whining is as close as you can come to doing anything and I truly hope that you become the first Do Nothing Dumbphucker to bitch herself happy. Laffin'!

Noone can insult you,better than you can,when you are trying your "best" and schit simply don't get any [bleep] funnier than that. Please feel free to tell yourself that which you most need to hear,to console your incredibly lengthy and wellfounded list of insecurities,as you fabricate fresh excuses to salve those oblivious realizations.

I'm grateful for the humor you provide,by being too stupid to simply shut the [bleep] up and take notes,then apply same. Farrrrrrrrrrrrr [bleep] funnier,to grant you opportunity to showcase your "best" efforts and laugh at those feeble attempts as they are reliably foiled by Reality. You are the only dumb [bleep],who can keep someone as [bleep] stupid as you,from saying something [bleep] stupid and don't slight the humor associated with your being well shy of the faculties to even do that! There ain't a more [bleep] reliable recipe for humor,than to let you have some more slack on the rope and try again.

Here's to the inherent humor,of your incredibly oblivious Dumbphucktitude and to the sanctity of your heartfelt Whine. I thank you,for being stupid enough,to "think" you've a first [bleep] clue and for Pretending so aloud. You really are a Vagenius. Laffin'!

Bless your heart.


It's your Imagination,Pretend with it as you please...if only because it's the closest you'll ever come and I'd not wish to slight you those "satisfactions". Laffin'! to next fuel your Imagination,so you can further advance your Pretend?!!? Lemme see here,I'll give you a big wave for your incredible Pretendfu. Laffin'!

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You Window Lickers are a [bleep] hoot and here's to your being unable to understand why!



Are you bitching or bragging?!!? Sure would be cool to see some pics of stop lights,mebbe some Gang Bangers and the "fortunate" neighborhood all those years of "hard work" have granted you the "opportunity" to partake. Laffin'!

Funnier than [bleep],that only you are devoid the inkling,as to what an incredibly slow "learner" you are. One thing is for certain about you,when it's all said and done,there's going to be a LOT more said,than done. I find it curious that all you Do Nothing Dumbphuckers in The Paper Hat Brigade,think that your sadly pathetic,sheer and utter [bleep] cluelessness,is someone else's "fault". PETA would happily Sponsor you bumbling boobs. Laffin'!

Pretend ain't real...and Reality ain't for everyone,but your Whine is [bleep] MAGNIFICENT!

Wow +P+.


Let's go retro 25-06 and beat on The Book,with a MK I flingin' 100gr X's,with a leetle sumptin called Re-22.

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Ain't it an intellesting correlation,that them who bitch the most...have done the [bleep] least?!!? Don't go swipin' the Imaginations from them pointy-headed tinfoil hat wearin' Do Nothing Dumbphucks,if only because it's all they've got.

Reality ain't for everyone.
