WHERE do these incredible [bleep] stupid dumbfhucks come from??!??

Coos County Oregon.... Craig Alaska....

Places like that... full of trailer trash and uneducated morons who usually dropped out of or got kicked out of High School.....

spend half their lives or more living on welfare, growing dope, making meth.. samplin too much of their product when they ain't busy getting drunk instead....and other stuff that stunts their growth

ya know places where they get locked up when they think they are 10 ft tall and bullet proof.. and then run off at the mouth in court and find themselves getting extended sentences for contempt of court...

have fat spouses and bald heads....

ya know, they come from places like that....

and now ya know.... whistle

oh, and I forgot to add that one over in Lewiston Idaho... grin

Last edited by Seafire; 08/21/13. Reason: because , just because