Originally Posted by brinky72
WSM; If you have the patience and time to go back under his old stage name of "Big Stick" you will find that mother Karma has knocked at his door and kicked him solidly in the stones before. It's in amongst his 30K+ posts. You would think someone like that might tread a little lighter as possibly there might have been a lesson learned. Much like darwinism, some [bleep] just don't learn. I'm sure what goes around will come around again and when it does he'll get no quarter here either. Like I said, some just don't get it. There is a reason he can run around hunting, fishing, and taking pictures every moment of every day, He doesn't have any family obligations but every other weekend. Don't sweat it, you're better off than him. Brinky out.

You BETTER be talking about some other stupid [bleep] schit, and not what I think you're talking about. Because if it is what I think, Michigan is literally across the 'river' for me. And I'll go and settle schit fair and [bleep] square with you right quick.

Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

If I were smart enough, which apparently I'm not