Originally Posted by kutenay
I will say one thing here, based on about 21 years in various aspects of forestry, industrial and resource management, in mostly BC and some in Alberta. I am not a "faller", this is a job done by men for whom I have the utmost respect and it is dangerous to the point of being bloody gut numbing. Friends and co-workers of mine, very tough, fit, brave and skilled men have died doing it and most do not have what it takes to do it well.

Now, Larry repeats his comments and may or may now live in Kansas or not be everything he purports to be, I really do not give even a minute [bleep] and usually do not get into these neverending longdicking contests. But, that tree looks to my old eyes like a "Thuja Plicata", aka Western Red Cedar, it is a fairly large and quite old specimen and "falling" that oe others like it is F**KING scary, hard and skilled work, look at the rot from what is left of the "crown root" and "buttresses" and ask yourself if YOU would want to put a big, production saw like his into that?

BTDT, on one horrible slashburning escape I still recall with memories of fear, about 02:30 one morning in early Oct. 1975, after fightin fire for over 20 ours on my feet and, friends, THAT scared the crap right out of me! So, unless he has some miracle way of posing a photo like that, Larry is not all BS, he just can't speak "English" very well! wink

I've not felled trees for a living other than a short time during my late teens when I decided to cut trees at our farm, split them and sell firewood. Boy, I got over that rather quickly. I've cut my share since then and thanks, but no thanks, I think I'd rather be beat with a rubber hose. I also agree with your assessment in regards to folks that do that for a living and the photo you reference.
I first made Stick/Boxer/Larry's acquaintance several years ago when he came over and blew up Accurate Reloading with a couple hundred posts each day for about three days until he was bannned. I posted a few times at ARAIG, but like a line out of the old Oakridge boys song " Tryin' to love two women is like a ball and chain, sometimes the pleasure is not worth the pain" Posting there was not worth the pain.
I think the guy is intelligent, witty, knowledgable in many areas and definitely an accomplished photographer. I type by touch, can type pretty good, take a number of photos with decent cameras, am self educated, relatively intelligent and pretty sharp. The guy can and has smoked me on any/many a day with the sheer volume of his posts and the quality of his photos. The problem as I see it is that he wants respect, but for some reason seems to be incapable of showing that respect to others. What a resourse/teacher he could be if he could treat others with respect.



A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.