
Toss an M1 on top and fill the belly with 105's and you'll have sumptin'.

I'm lookin' to insert a few 105 Hornie HPBT's in Venison,here in the next coupla days. They's doing nice things on Critters thus far and if only in the interest of R&D,I need to see if it's been "flukes".(grin)

A Montucky rebarreled 243AI with more RPM,would be THE Meeeeeoooowwwwwwwwwwwww.


You've missed an Epic inside look at Retardation,complete with Secret Squirrel tidbits and Malls that must be Ninja'd.

In other words...the usual Do Nothing Dumbphuck amalgamation of Imagination and Pretend.

BEST Thread Evah!


Fascinating that you've managed to convince yourself that [bleep] Stupidity is a "choice" and that you "apply" it "stealthily" by "design". Laffin'! Sugartitts...it's a plight and [bleep] few is more plighteder than you. Congratulations?!?

It's your Imagination,Pretend with it however you please,just keep doing so aloud. You are doing "great".

What excuse are you looking to use today?



Few things funnier,than a feeble attempt at imitation...but you really cain't blame folks for shooting for the stars.

If you swiped poor(literally)/dumb(obviously) 'box's Imagination away from her...she'd have nothing left,including her Pretend.

You'd think ONE of these Do Nothing [bleep] could pry their [bleep] from the couch and do a little sumptin',just [bleep] once?!!? I enjoy the ruse that their Do Nothingness is a well "thought out" "ploy",that is carefully "crafted". Reality is,all sails over their pointy heads and it's oblivious reiteration of their Perpetual Sucktitude. Speaking of which,did WSM ever get her [bleep] off the couch,she was spinnin' a good yarn there for a spell and threatenin' to open the front door. Laffin'!

Reality ain't for everyone,as the "hard chargers" so eloquently attest. I'm with ya',in that the cartoons is really a nice "touch". I groove on how they's all Geniuses,Rich and gifted physically...yet none can turn a lick,do anything other than polish turds and is stumped by a $50 P&S.

A group photo of The Paper Hat Brigade,would take hilarity to new levels.



Poor/dumb 'bow is truly a Vagenius.

She's a tireless Day Dream Believer,who schleps [bleep] Stupidity to new places...all day and every day.

'Course the best part is,she "thinks" it's on "purpose".



It'd be a good Drag Race(pun be intended),to drive a stake and see who did less,betwixt Shefire and 'bow.

I'd wager on a tie.



You are fixin' to be Imaginary Pretend Ignored,all [bleep] over again.

It really [bleep] Shefire up,when she cain't remember which she last Pretended about and has gotta Imagine next to "smooth it over".



Loved your 13 IQ Points hitting on "all" cylinders. "Maybe some has quit taking their bipolar meds !!"

Cheer up,Shefire and 'box "do" as "much" as you.



It's often tough to beat a Secondhand Rose.


The poor addled [bleep] cain't remember their last Pretend.

Slow day along The Milford yesterday and this Global Cooling sure is getting old. Must be nice to slum the sweltering heat of all the lucky souls who live elsewhere.(grin)

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The Robins is headin' South.

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The Penguins is hatched.

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Hell..it's even Deer Season and just what should a guy do with this many tags?!?



You know she ain't left the [bleep] couch.

And ain't goin' too,either. Bless her heart.



You keep giving descriptors like that and you are gonna horn her up,upon her own self and that leash on the couch will get even shorter for her.
