First Gopher pictured,had 2 chicks. The next was a 2yr old...followed by a 3yr old. Though you could always consult Swifty instead,as she watches the schit outta TV and fancies herself as quite the "source" of Outdoor's "intel".

Now that is FUNNY!


Hutch do enjoy [bleep] with Feathered Friends and I've seen it rain schit,more than a whole 'lotta times. The bastard is big enough to burn diesel and is THE consumate Sleeper,so by the time they've a read on his intentions,it's [bleep] over.

All them puns,be intended.(grin)

Cain't seem to get outta Da Gopher Patch and I reckon that ain't all bad. Have yet to gawk a HOG Gopher,but last night's victim were the best thus far. Prolly/mebbe shoulda dumped another native stop of ISO,to garner more shutter speed,as I put a purty good sprint on to start quartering the light in my favor. As per always,handheld.

Was slumming my Dinosaur 1D3/100-400L,but woulda been curious to bang the 1DX/800L II melding,given that body's stupid good noise control. Seen them two Pigeons comin' in and thinking of cupping,so I stitched the bastards hard.

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'Course it ain't as cool as...say a picture of Applebee's parking lot,let alone a cartoon. Laffin'!

BEST Thread Evah!


That picture is [bleep] Awesome...keep 'em coming.



The "scale" and "pics" are under lock & key at 'Squeeze's house.

Shefire's PretendFu,certainly do Trump the [bleep] outta her RealityFu.

Bless her heart.


I prolly shoulda rolled towards ImageShack a while ago,after 'bucket compressed files as a default...even on Pro accounts. Oh well.

Did blow a pard's mind here a while ago,when I dumped HEET on my 100-400L,hit it with a Kleenex and went right the [bleep] ahead on 'er.(grin)

Perpetual Motion however,has prolly always interested me. Slipped way inside this victim's lap last night,if only to bait a DNK hook.(grin)

Okay,you think you got a pretty face
But the rest of you is out of place
You looked alright before

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That'll [bleep] the Paper Hat Brigade up...but what don't?!!?



Still waitin' on a Beeg Albino Gopher.

Film at 11:00.