Originally Posted by Kaleb
Originally Posted by SuperCub
I like Texas. Been there, know folks from there, recently got a job offer there. Very tempting.


I've only been to tx once for hunting but it was fun. Year round critters to shoot wouldn't suck.

Texas, for the most part does not have the majestic views one gets in the western states, Canada and Alaska. Nothing like the Smokies, Appalachians or Addirondacks. Some elk in far west Texas, but for the most part, no bear, elk or Moose.
Do have antelope and prarie dogs up around the panhandle/Amarillo area.

The gulf coast is hot and humid. We do have good wing shooting of ducks and geese and fishing opportunities afforded by the Gulf of Mexico and offshore. Alligators a plenty, snipe, squirrel and nutria.

I think I've heard it said that the area near Kerrville Texas has the 3rd healthiest climate in the US. Low humidity and temperate winters. Summer can get pretty hot. Two years ago I 'bout got heat stroke working of an afternoon when it was 116 degrees F.

If one was to settle in the hill country he could have quick access to numerous species of deer, goats, sheep. Fishing in rivers and streams. Wing-shooting of dove and quail. We're over-run with Rio Grande turkey.

Varmints the like of starling, turtles, ring tail cats, crows, squirrel, badgers, coons, possum, fox (mostly greys), coyote.

Hogs and varmints can be baited, snared, trapped, 24/7/365, typically by any means (no dynamite).

If'n your a bike rider, the "three twisted sisters" or out to the Big Bend area can be a mighty fine ride.

Then there's the music scene in Austin, New Braunsfels and to a
degree, Houston.

No state income Tax
friendly people (for the most part)

Course from some folk's view, there are some downsides..........

Guess you heard the one about the Texan that was in a bar drinking. Found himself sitting with a Mexican on one side and a fellow of mid-eastern extraction on the other.
After sever shots of tequila, the Mexican jumps up, throws his shot glass in the air, draw his machete and shatters the glass as it was falling. He shouts "viva Mexico" and says, "we have so many shot glasses in Mexico, we don't have to drink out of the same one twice".
A couple more shots and the Iranian jumps up and throws his shot glass in the air, pulls an AK-47 and clips the glass as it's falling. He sez "Allah Akbar, we have so much sand in Iran we can make all the glasses we want and don't have to drink out of them twice". Well the Texan is nursing his Jim Beam and after a few minutues he pushes his chair back, calmly get's up, hitches up his two gun rig, pushes his Stetson back on his head, smiles, pulls his six-shooters and shoot both the Mexican and Iranian between the eyes. He's heard to say as he strolls out of the bar, "We got so fcukin' many Messkins and ragheads in Texas, we dont have to drink with them twice.



Last edited by geedubya; 04/27/13.

A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.