Originally Posted by WSM_Shooter
Sorry Boxer I came to this forum to share and learn. Not to entertain a loser like yourself. It is ashame that someone who supposedly lives the dream is so bitter and miserable he has to look for ways to make others look inferior. No photo I post would interest a pro like yourself. My rifles don't have kiddy stickers on them and my photos are taken with an iphone unlike the fine cameras your film crew has for you. I also live in an area where a trophy buck here would not be worthy in your great neighborhood.


You are indeed sorry and very much so,in ways that are beyond your grasp...which is of course the funniest [bleep] part. Cheer up,noone can make you look any more inferior than you can,when you are doing your "best",so you've got that going for you. Laffin'!

I reckon excuses come rather easy for someone like you,who's had to make them their whole pathetic [bleep] Life. Please keep up your "hard charging" ways and Whining aloud,how your sheer and utter dumbphucktitude is someone else's "fault". Luckily,someone who "knows" and "does" as "much" as you,has set the bar soooooooooo [bleep] low,that you's under the impression you'll attain same. Laffin'!

Now that is some [bleep] funny [bleep] schit!

Bless your heart.


I'm enjoying your current crop of excuses,as to why you cain't pry your [bleep] from the couch,almost as much as your Whining diatribe as to why you've never been able to leave it in your Life. It really is a fascinating read and would rate an HBO Comedy Special...but when ain't crossed-eyes and drool not [bleep] funny?!!?

Always a treat to be regaled with all the things you've almost done,with all the wares you've almost hand and from all the places you've almost been. Here's to the humor associated with you Window Licking Dumbphuckers doing your "best". Laffin'!

Luckily for you,Imagination and Pretend are free. I appreciate your taking the time,to wax eloquent upon all your fascinations that are welllllll beyond your means and abilities. Allow me to fuel your Imagination,so you can practice your Pretend.

[Linked Image]

Here's to the perpetual humor,of you being "satisfied" being you.

Wow +P+!


I only hope Stupid hurts.

You Whine so well and sooooooo often,you are oblivious that you are doing it. Personally enjoy your Whining [bleep] avatar,then your feeble [bleep] attempt to brag your Do Nothing Dumbphucktitude up,from within the same schit hole. Too [bleep] funny!

It'd be tough to Trump the humor of your version of "experience" and it's simply a shame,that you cain't process how incredibly [bleep] stupid and what a Do Nothing [bleep] you are. Really groovin' on your incredible "insight" and I wonder how many bread crumbs you gotta leave yourself,to trace your way from the schitter back to the couch?!!?

Of course you are a worthless piece of schit Union dredge to boot and I'll feign my "surprise".



Do not mock my beloved Kansas nor it's blurtitude.


The Milford rocks.

[Linked Image]


I'm the guy,who's afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess.

In fairness..it ain't all that bad to "suffer".(grin)


I could get you to cross a 4-lane highway,blindfolded and with ear muffs on...simply by telling you that someone tossed your rubber dick to the other side.

Bless your heart.


You got any good macro barbed wire pics. That stuff is sooooo "majestic".



I believe I gots me a blade coming too.(grin)