
VERY much enjoyed the 5 Gallon Bucket Ranch,that the dogs "live" in. Pathetically hilarious schit!

Cain't decide which is funnier,that...or your version of a "Bear". What's a Big Tree Bear like that score? Use as much Imagination and Pretend,as you deem requisite. Did he have it tanned to make a pair of house slippers,or to reupholster the toilet seat?!? Laffin'!



What excuse(s) are looking to use this weekend?!?

As per always,GREAT time to hang a pic of your crossed-eyes,drooling yap and "hard charging" ways...so as to really drive your version of "results","experience" and "knowledge" home.

How many years did it take you to learn the alphabet and to tie your shoes? Laffin'!

You're doing "great".

BEST Thread Evah!


Those pics really are sumptin'. Laffin'!

The Texas Version of everything is a [bleep] riot. Now to be clear,were you bitching or bragging? Laffin'!

Bless your heart.

You poor,poor clueless kchunts.