Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Swamp-draining is fine by me but this wasn't that. In a bizarre way, Comey had credibility across the aisle. This was an ego- and emotion-based decision and, IMHO, a big mistake.


When was the last time we had a POTUS turtle up, fume for days, then fire the man investigating him? How'd that turn out?

My belief has been that there's a lot of "there" there in the Russian collusion mess. Might not reach Trump- might be confined to Page, Stone, Manafort, Flynn, or some combo, but I think it happened. I think law enforcement has been doing what they do: methodically building the case. I think this brings all that to a head. Guess we'll see. I kinda hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.

Oh please, enough with the drama already. Comey does not have credibility across both aisles, both sides wanted him gone at different times in the past year. IF, and that's a big IF, Trump colluded with the Russians, where's the [bleep] proof? He's had at least 3 Obama appointees say there was no collusion with the Russians. Quit talking out of both sides of your mouth.

That's ok, I'll ass shoot a dink.
