I am still just lol'ing my little lol'er off about this ridiculous memo. Another Nunes belly flop. As I said, he's toast.

That Trump would claim total vindication based on THAT is, well, typical I suppose. That anyone with a brain would agree is embarrassing.

Yep. Some of you guys are literally an embarrassment. Congratulations?


"House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. - who spent endless time on the Benghazi investigation - was the only one on the Intelligence Committee to see the underlying intelligence. He gave Nunes's effort a failing grade. "As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller," he tweeted. "The contents of this memo do not - in any way - discredit his investigation." "

Bwa ha ha. It's good thing all y'all are so [bleep] delusional or you wouldn't be able to look at yourselves in the mirror without laffin'. Which is what I'm doing right now: laffin'. At YOU. Jesus wept. crazy

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two