Jim_in_Idaho... thanks for posting the Scott Adams blog in your post on this thread. I happen to agree almost completely with Adams on what Comey did with the Hillary email situation. It's going to be some time before the historical perspective is clear on that whole deal, but in the end, I think Comey may be vindicated.

I also like his throwaway opening... that the whole thing is far too complicated for even an intelligent person to understand (and God knows most News pundits ain't that!) so they're all gonna make up their own narrative to fit their own idea of some simplified truth, and make a total hash of it in the process that everyone will eventually try to forget. It's like a perfect political storm, a situation so convoluted and Machiavellian, like those little Russian nesting dolls that go into each other (damn... those Frickin Russians, AGAIN!!!), it may even achieve the same sort of mythic status of the Schleswig-Holstein Question of the late 19th century!

Damn good column, anyway.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars