Originally Posted by Jeff_O

I see that you haven't figured out "the plan" yet Jeff..
What you are seeing is all theater while the hunted (and that includes your hero the muzzy faqqot) are being maneuvered toward the Buffalo Jump..

You might want to start red pilling yourself (maybe one or two a week to start with), cuz if you don't when those 50,000 or so indictments are made public you are going to be shiiting your britches for months on end as your worldview gets crushed..


I will try to help you keep up Jeff, but I can only do so much..

Trust the Plan whistle

Can you answer BobMt's post above, would be interested to see your answer..

"what I don't understand jeff …….the country is finally getting turned around, people back to work...people making money again for their retirement....I could go on …….so what I don't understand is why people like you want to see our country fail."

Last edited by Nrut; 08/26/18.

It's a great life if you don't weaken..