Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by hatari
Take a look at the change in tone and content of his conversation from 5-17 to today. He's gone gonzo off the deepen. Started as reasonably debating the situation from the Dem angle, and if you take the time to thumb through his posts, they get more biting and shrill as his frustration mounts. Additionally, I'd guess that the Dem Talking points are now directing him to be more forceful in the bomb dropping and drive by sniping as their position weakens.

If anyone wants to doubt that Trump is winning, take a look and witness the emotional meltdown yourself.

Originally Posted by Jeff_O

My belief has been that there's a lot of "there" there in the Russian collusion mess. Might not reach Trump- might be confined to Page, Stone, Manafort, Flynn, or some combo, but I think it happened. I think law enforcement has been doing what they do: methodically building the case. I think this brings all that to a head. Guess we'll see. I kinda hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.

Well, this is a good time to reflect on him being wrong about Manafort and Flynn.

Everything Mueller has done is horribly tainted.He knows it.He is looking for a way out.I cant see an escape for him short of death.

Ideas are far more powerful than guns, We dont let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas. "Joseph Stalin"

He who has braved youths dizzy heat dreads not the frost of age.