Originally Posted by Fubarski
Why should anybody believe the unsupported denials of a poster that got brain damage and an STD from fallin off a stepstool?

Obvious brain damage, which would affect memory, which is why the post can't be recalled.

I can't prove a negative, dumbass. Nobody can.

I never said ANYTHING about falling off a ladder. Ladders scare the [bleep] out of me, and trust me, I've spent more time on them than most here, and often doing things on them most here could not physically do. That's just a fact. Never fell off one, though I am damn certain a guy could... hence my dislike of the rat bastids.

Bigfish is at a fork in the road. He can own his mistake- if it was one- like a man. Or he can be a proven lying POS. I'm giving him the chance to do the right thing... which is pretty damn nice of me, actually. It'll be interesting to see what he does, won't it?

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two