Mmm hmmm. Flynn, Manafort and soon-to-be Kushner. Laffin' here. wink

It will turn out that Kushner was the point man for the collusion, in part by providing electoral data analytics to the Russians to target their bots and disinformation at. Gonna bet against me? I've been right so far. And you've been wrong. Hint. Oh- and it'll turn out Trump knew. I had thought perhaps he didn't. He did. He's going down. It's gonna be a shïtshow. Hells bells; it already IS! The man is falling apart right before our eyes. He can't put three sentences together without a bizarre mental glitch manifesting. His mind, such as it is, is elsewhere. Guilty guilty guilty.

Maybe the vociferous bashers here will find a way to alternative-fact your way out of me being right and you being wrong. I mean, not REALLY.... just in your little alternative reality. But that seems to suffice for some of you, so, good luck with that!

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two