Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, a North Carolina Republican, said the [new Russia interference] reports illustrated how "hostile foreign actors seeking to manipulate and subvert public opinion" can take advantage of social media platforms for nefarious purposes. He specifically pointed to how the efforts were aimed at dividing Americans by "race, religion and ideology" to "erode trust in our Democratic institutions."

Bolded for emphasis.

This is, and always has been, my point. If Trump in any way helped a "hostile foreign actor" attack American democracy the son of a bitch should hang for treason and I'm not kidding.

He won't hang, because the Founders defined treason narrowly due to their experiences with King George abusing the notion. But when he's getting frog-marched off to prison I'll be a happy camper.

Because he did it, and you're fücking retarded if you don't see that STILL as the lies keep coming out.

On a more farcical note, Giuliani is a walking clown show who kneecaps the PINO every time he opens his yap. Sunday was CLASSIC in that regard. Rudolf the dumb-ass reindeer blorped out that Individual-1 lied about both the campaign skank payoffs AND the ongoing Trump Tower in Moscow efforts ALL THE WAY TO THE FREAKING ELECTION!

Oh, there's no motive there to collude. Move along people, nothing to see here.

Too bad you dumbasses weren't smart enough to take my advice and vote for the Libertarian dork I voted for. We could've shook up the system, protected gun rights, and skipped all this nonsense.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two