Here's a good read from an MSM source that nonetheless lays things out very cogently. It touches on a very interesting dynamic- which is that as of this moment, Pence is still relatively clean... that gives Congress a viable Conservative alternative should they choose to initiate impeachment proceeding over the obstruction of justice stuff that'll be coming to a head later this week. But there's some urgency there. If Pence gets muddy then this gets REALLY complex and FUBAR.

I'm torn over whether I think Trump gets impeached. On the one hand, I think he's far too vain for that; I think he'd sooner come up with an excuse to resign (health?).... on the other hand he's been remarkably tone-deaf. He's set the stage for obstruction charges (politically, not necessarily legally, they are different) because he just cannot keep his mouth shut. That speaks, to me, to a level of arrogance and ego that might just have him dying on that hill out of pure stubbornness. I don't know.

In a sense, having this come to a head over obstruction is cleaner that having it blow up further over the Russian collusion stuff. Obstruction is pretty straightforward. It's also pretty dang unforgivable.

Obviously this requires action in Congress. This'll be an interesting week. All that's required at this point for impeachment proceeding to begin is the desire for it in the Republican Party in Congress. The justification is there (obstruction) provided by Mr. Trump himself in his own words. I get the feeling the worm is turning there, but we'll see.

Interestingly, I read a great article the other day, that I wish I'd bookmarked, detailing why the Dem's are in no hurry whatsoever to impeach. Honestly, that article should strike cold terror into the heart of Trump supporters. The Dem's know they've got him, because they are privy to the intel, but a) want things to unfold naturally- I.E., without them driving the process- so that it will be seen as a measure of Trump guilt rather than Democrat aggression. And b), because currently Trump is doing many many things that benefit the D's; there's reasons to WANT him there doing what he's been doing. He's tarring the Republican Party by association.

I'll see if I can find that article. In the meantime, this is a good read:

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two