When Obama was elected, almost to the man, every friend of mine was disgusted and just pushed through his 8 years of destroying America with his corrupting of the DOJ, FBI and IRS. He achieved some of his goals that he stated on the campaign trail. He wanted to redistribute our nations wealth and fundamentally change America. So he abused his office powers, lied about protecting and up holding our nations constitution and allowed the Clinton machine to get rich by exploiting their public office positions and organization's. He is a party to all of it.

Comey was and is a self serving corrupt person who also lied about his oath of office and obeying the law and he allowed his subordinates to do like wise.

Trump is far from my perfect choice for a president. I also think he may have been the only one who could defeat Hillary, because he was willing to get in the mud and fight it out with them in any dirty way they wanted to.

The Clintons, Obama and their people have proved they are untouchable and I don't see that changing and none of the shady people they used have been charged with a crime and the DOJ and FBI made sure of it. So far none of our current DOJ and FBI and IRS officials are doing any thing to bring them to justice. Nothing ever comes out of congressional hearings and millions of tax payer dollars get spent.

I also believe most of this Trump/Russian crap was right out of the Clinton play book and all of their sheep knowingly ran with it. From day one Trump has been hated by most conservative politicians and all of the liberal politicians and almost all of the lying media. But, it is up to the American voter to drain the swamp and most in America don't have the stomach for it.

Now some idiots want Oprah to run for president, that speaks volumes to me on the mind set of the liberal left.